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Coronavirus and Funerals: coping with changing restrictions

Writer's picture: Oaktree CeremoniesOaktree Ceremonies

Updated: Nov 12, 2020

In the UK some restrictions put in place due to Covid-19 have been changing. Some of the things we were able to do over the summer, and people we were able to see, are now off limits again.

Uncertainty of changing rules.

Some people will find the uncertainty of changing rules more difficult to deal with than a simple lockdown. If you've been bereaved, both making the change to re-engage with life, and having sources of support removed at short notice, can be particularly difficult.

For many people, life will never be the same again. You may have been bereaved during or shortly before the period of lockdown. You may not have been able to say goodbye the way you wanted, and this might have made dealing with your experiences very difficult. Alternatively, you might have felt numb while everything was on hold. You may now have started thinking about planning a memorial service for someone if their funeral wasn’t how you wanted, and the uncertainty of making plans which might have to be cancelled can be difficult to cope with.

Even if you were bereaved some time before the current crisis, you may have found that the lockdown period and the current pandemic raised some very difficult memories and feelings. If you are not ready to ‘move on’, you are not alone, and we are here to help you.

How Cruse can help

Cruse is continuing to offer as much support as possible. 

Our National Freephone Helpline is available – call 0808 808 1677. Opening hours.

There is a lot of information elsewhere on the website.

Bereavement Volunteers in our Local Services are offering telephone or online support for one-to-one sessions. Find the details of your Local Service.



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